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Calvary began in 1974 in Hamilton, Ohio under the leadership of Pastor James and Pat Mullins Sr.  


They knew from the beginning that Calvary would be a house of refuge and safety for hurting people.  Calvary became know for a church that preached the Word and showed the love of Christ to all they came in contact with. 


Today, we’re continuing in that tradition and we believe that this is just the beginning.


Calvary Church is a cutting edge ministry center, committed to reaching the Tri-State region, with the love of Jesus Christ.


 We seek to break down all external barriers, and persuade people to come in, and be a part of our family, our community, our church.


 With deep passion driving us, and His love leading us, we will reach 10,000 souls with the Gospel.  We will reach out to every gender and every race, no matter their financial standing.  Here at Calvary, we seek to nurture, demonstrate, and ignite integrity; displaying the love and character of Christ, driven by our passion of reaching souls for the Kingdom. 










Feed the hungry in a clean, warm place – providing food for their natural hunger. Clothing the needy and the poor through Holding Hands Ministry.  Prison ministry to inmates, training them in Godly principles to return to the outside world as people of character.  Care of the elderly by providing a practical, emotional and spiritual support system.  Christian Education – Teaching and discipling men, women, boys and girls, nurturing the seed in them to reproduce the

five-fold ministry.  Street Evangelism – going into the harvest field with Holding Hands Ministry.


Youth Ministry – Produce equipped, mature, excited young men and women anointed to serve through music, drama, outreach ministry, and sports. Anointed to turn the tide of rebellion in youth at large through submitted lives.  Intercession – Church opened 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for prayer, preparation of services, and meeting the needs of broken people. Special corporate prayer times may be spontaneously called by Pastor.  Missions - Sending out called missionaries Pastoral Missions Trips Financial Support Intercessory Support Emotional Support Ministry to the whole man, spirit, soul and body.  Equipping and training for the perfecting of the saints to the work of the ministry as God raises up His army, His bride, His glorious remnant church all over this land.


© 2023 by Calvary Church. All Rights Reserved.

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